Schafer Boom Road
Planned Completion: 4/15/26
SRFB: $401,767
Sponsor Match: $195,316
Total Agreement: $597,083
This restoration and design combo project will correct a fish passage barrier, opening .13 miles of high quality habitat for Chinook, coho and chum salmon, steelhead and cutthroat trout, and produce construction ready designs for another culvert replacement along the same road. Both road crossings are located on Schafer Boom Road on Camp Creek southeast of Montesano, Washington: Site 2 is 0.13 miles upstream from Site 1. Site 1 is located at road mile 0.16 and is 33% passable. Rip rap is present at culvert inlet and outlet. Rip rap at the outlet creates a large scour pool. This barrier consists of a round corrugated steel pipe, 3' in diameter, 30' long, not countersunk, with a slope of 2.2%. This correction has been designed and permitted under SRFB Grant 16-1327; this portion of the project is for construction of the previously-designed correction. Designs are attached. Site 2 is located at road mile 0.10. The barrier culvert is a round corrugated steel pipe 3' wide and 36' long. High velocities create a 67% passable barrier. The site is at stream mile 0.55. Objectives and tasks include design and permitting of this barrier correction, so no designs are attached. The overall goal is to improve fish passage of 1.26 miles of good quality spawning and rearing habitat will free of barriers after both blockages are corrected.

Planned Completion: 12/31/23
FFPP : $240,000
Total Agreement: $240,000
Chehalis Basin Fisheries Task Force, in coordination with the landowner, will conduct a restoration project replacing a fish passage barrier culvert with a structure allowing all stages of salmonid life forms and other aquatic species total access to 0.55 miles of habitat to a tributary of the Mox Chuck Slough in the Chelahis River basin. The anadromous salmonids, include chum, coho, steelhead, native and sea-run cutthroat trout. The overall goal is to provide habitat access to all species of anadromous salmonids at all life stages access to spawning and rearing habitat while in there fresh water life cycle.

Planned Completion: 5/31/24
CBS Habitat Rest.: $1,272,848
RCO : $1,272,848
Sponsor Match: $424,283
Total Agreement: $1,697,131
This planning and restoration project will design, permit and construct 3 separate fish passage barrier corrections on Middle Fork Wildcat Creek north of McCleary, Washington, in the Cloquallum Basin in WRIA 22. The barriers include 33% passable site 999439 on Summit Road at road mile 1.59 and stream mile 2.39; 67% passable site 999438 at road mile 0.24 on Elma Hicklin Road and stream mile 3.34; and 67% passable site 127C0006 at road mile 0.27 on County Line Road and stream mile 3.7. Designs and permitting will be completed and construction implemented to remove the barriers and replace them with structures that are passable to all aquatic species and life stages in order to open full migration access to 4.08 miles of excellent spawning and rearing habitat in forestlands. Three species of salmonids will benefit from the improved habitat conditions in the Chehalis Basin as a result of these projects, including coho, steelhead and cutthroat trout.

Completed: 1/25/23
FFPP : $216,618
RCO : $216,618
Total Agreement: $216,618
The Chehalis Basin Fisheries Task Force, in coordination with the landowner, removed two fish passage barriers on a tributary to Cedar Creek and replaced each with low profile concrete bridges, 30 ft long and 20 ft wide. These two sites are located on a tributary to Cedar Creek. The two sites are on separate channels that connect with the Cedar Creek main stem. The two channels cannot be combined because they originate from different sources or outlets from the upstream wetland. The whole area is inundated mostly during winter months. An upstream survey from the project sites measured about 0.40 miles of habitat before the channel became undefined; but continuing on toward the wetland both channels became defined again with periodic pooling. Pools had standing water as deep as three feet and more.

Newskah Road #2
Planned Completion: 5/1/25
SRFB : $75,053
FBRB: $562,902
Sponsor Match: $112,580
Total Agreement: $750,535
This restoration project is to correct a 0% passable fish barrier culvert on an unnamed tributary to Newskah Creek at road mile 3.4 on Newskah Road southeast of Aberdeen, Washington. The barrier will be removed and replaced with a structure that is passable to all aquatic species and life stages in order to open full migration access to 1.34 miles of excellent spawning and rearing habitat in forestlands. Four species of salmonids will benefit from the improved habitat conditions in the Chehalis Basin as a result of these projects, including coho, chum, steelhead and cutthroat trout. The project was designed and permitted under SRFB grant 19-1185; the current grant is for the construction phase.

Completed: 2/15/23
Salmon State Projects: $446,410
RCO : $446,410
Sponsor Match : $78,780
Total Agreement: $525,190
This restoration project is to correct a fish passage barrier culvert on Geissler Creek where it passes under Geissler Road by replacing it with a structure that is passable to all aquatic species and life stages in order to open full migration access to 2.0 miles of forested spawning and rearing habitat. Five species of salmonids will benefit from the improved habitat conditions in Geissler Creek and the Wynoochee River Sub-basin as a result of this project, including coho, chum and Chinook salmon as well as steelhead and resident trout. Correcting the fish barrier culvert is to restore physical, biological and hydraulic functions, (including substrate and large woody debris transport), provide habitat access to five species of anadromous salmonids as well as other aquatic species, and enhance nutrient availability and biological diversity in the watershed. The culvert has been determined to be 33% passable by WDFW (site #103-1025) and is ranked 118th in the Chehalis Fish Passage Barrier Prioritization- WDFW ranked barrier list. The existing structure is a squash corrugated steel culvert; it is 6 feet wide, 5 feet high and 40 feet long, installed at a -0.57% slope and undersized for the stream's bankfull width of 18 feet. This barrier will be removed and replaced with a 44' long by 30' wide by 18" deep pre-cast concrete bridge.

Completed: 1/24/23
FFPP : $187,721
RCO : $187,721
Total Agreement: $187,721
Chehalis Basis Fisheries Task Force, in coordination with the landowner, will replace a fish passage barrier culvert on a tributary to Cedar Creek in Grays Harbor county. The culvert will be replaced with a bridge, restoring passage to 1.39 miles of habitat for all salmonid species and life stages, including bull trout, present in Cedar Cr, and coho and steelhead present in the Copalis River. No barriers are present downstream. Two fish passage barriers found upstream will be corrected at the same time under a separate FFFPP agreement .